Running Trainings in Learn Handball

Running Trainings in Learn Handball

One of Learn Handball's most important values is that training should always be playful, and preferably always with a ball between your hands. Pure running training falls a little outside of this, but because many trainers demand running trainings, we have chosen to fulfill this desire.

Running training among children and young people in handball is a hotly debated topic. I would like to share my thoughts on this type of training.

The Olympic peak divides running training for children and young people, not in age, but in until, underneath, and after puberty. This is a good division since children develop at different rates. The division takes into account body changes, and reduces overload and injury risk (read more further down the page).

Until the age of 13 - 14, you can usually get by with the running training that is part of the handball training itself. Henceforth, it may be appropriate to supplement with running workouts.

buts remember (!), research shows that ball play and ball-play produce very beneficial overall training effect. This should therefore, in my eyes, still be the main focus when one is a children's coach.

You will find the running exercises in our exercise library. Look through the exercises, and see if there is something suitable for your team. Maybe there are some of you trainers who also end up taking yourselves for a run?


Wishing everyone a great June, good luck!

Regards Bjarte

Before puberty

Before puberty occurs, there are little or no differences in bodily conditions and in the performance of girls and boys of the same age stage. In this phase, exercise can be dosed equally for girls and boys.

Endurance workouts can be done as part of the handball training and conducted as a session of 10-20minutes. The purpose of the training is to create variety and develop multiple traits and skills in one and the same session.

  • Varied play-based exercises with ball
  • Short intervals, preferably shorter breaks than interval runs
  • Stimulate running movement and motor training
  • Girls enter puberty on average 2 years before boys (11 ±2 to 13 ±2 years)


During puberty

Endurance workouts still as part of the handball training, and are conducted as a session of10-30 minutes.

The content of endurance training is more and more similar to the methods and exercises used in adult sports, but it is still important to retain the play aspect.

  • Changes in body composition can in girls cause strength and endurance to decrease and injury risk to increase.
  • In order to avoid injuries and incorrect training, the training in these years should be differentiated between boys and girls.
  • Girls enter puberty on average 2 years before boys (11 ±2 to 13 ±2 years) 

After puberty

Still use endurance training as part of a workout, but your own running workouts can also be introduced. The specific endurance training is more or less identical to the methods and exercises used in adult sports.

  • Own endurance sessions in the form of interval training, long running and fast long running
  • Introduce and increase understanding of pulse
  • Endurance training must be adapted to the total capacity of the athlete
  • Research shows that ball games produce very beneficial overall training effect
  • Long run is 40 min +
  • Intervals are conducted with effective training time of 15-30 min
  • Girls enter puberty on average 2 years before boys (11 ±2 to 13 ±2 years)

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