What does it take to be the best coach?

What does it take to be the best coach?

What struck me when the tips came in is that everyone hits me in one way or another, and when I think about it, I see the potential for improvement in myself in absolutely everyone. In short, there is probably no facet, but I need to be even more open to reflecting and discussing my thoughts and principles, because there are many of you out there who have a lot worth listening to. Below; some tips I got that have really got my head working.

“As a coach, you're not just going to build one team, but actually three! One team with all the kids, one good team of coaches, and one whole community of guardians.”

Lars Terje, children's football coach

“To engage with the target group you are working with. What are the characteristics of age, both physical and psychosocial, and how can I organize the training to suit them. And not to me!”


“Be sure to have a moment, with each and every one, along the way in the training, where the child himself felt that it was being seen!”

Dad coach for handball girls born 2010

Thank you very much to all of you for the very good tips and advice! Overall, you are the best!

Send your tip to Maybe that will be your tip I'll share next time.

Courtesy Atle Myrhol
Team Learn Handball

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