Congratulations to the handball guys! What does it take to be that good?

Congratulations to the handball guys! What does it take to be that good?

Both Sander Sagosen and Magnus Jøndal have also been taken out to the European Championship's All Star Team. Once again congratulations! Well deserved!

But what does it take to be that good?

There is absolutely no fixed aspect to this question, and there are certainly many different reasons why these guys have managed to make it all the way to the top. But they have one thing in common: long-term work with their own technique. Mastering different Handball skills will give the athletes a broader technical basis for further self-development.

Learn Handball wants to focus on the importance of good ball control. If it is good, it will be easier to learn new things. Therefore, every week we have prepared play-based handball exercises that we want the athletes to unfold with outside regular hall time. These are called Handball Skills. They can also be easily sent directly to the athletes.

Check out our library of educational and fun Handball Skills as well as hundreds of other handball exercises for inspiration.

Check out one of our Handball skills below

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